March 29, 2024

What is a Digital Marketing Audit?

When was the last time your business updated its digital marketing strategy? If the answer is "I don’t remember," this might be the most crucial read for your business this year. 

Many overlook digital marketing audits, yet they could be the pivotal turning point in your small and medium-sized enterprise’s (SMEs) online presence (or the lack of it).

A digital marketing audit is a comprehensive analysis of your business’s online strategies, and how you can use those results to help your business grow.

Honestly, we know that marketing speak can give people a bit of a headache. You started your business to express your passion, not decipher hieroglyphics! Unless you’re running a hieroglyphics deciphering business, of course. 

But, the repercussions of getting it wrong can cause undue stress, costing time, energy, and money.

When was the last time your business updated its digital marketing strategy? If the answer is "I don’t remember," this might be the most crucial read for your business this year. 

Many overlook digital marketing audits, yet they could be the pivotal turning point in your small and medium-sized enterprise’s (SMEs) online presence (or the lack of it).

A digital marketing audit is a comprehensive analysis of your business’s online strategies, and how you can use those results to help your business grow.

Honestly, we know that marketing speak can give people a bit of a headache. You started your business to express your passion, not decipher hieroglyphics! Unless you’re running a hieroglyphics deciphering business, of course. 

But, the repercussions of getting it wrong can cause undue stress, costing time, energy, and money.

Why Is a Digital Marketing Audit Important?

A digital marketing audit is a full-body checkup for your business's online presence.

It involves meticulous examination and evaluation of your current digital marketing strategies, online assets, and the performance of various marketing channels.

But, why does your business need one?

Imagine you're a pilot. Would you fly a plane without doing a thorough check? Your business is that plane, and the digital marketing audit is like your pre-flight checklist. It ensures all bolts are secure before you take off into the competitive skies of the Internet. Here's why:

  • It can diagnose digital 'ailments': An audit screens for areas in your strategy that might be ailing — be that a lackluster social media presence or a website that's about as inviting as a beehive.
  • Zeroes in on inefficiencies in market spending: By examining your analytics and comparing them with industry benchmarks, you can pinpoint where to apply more resources for maximum effect. After all, why paddle upstream when the current's in your favour?
  • It's not just for large corporations. SMEs have the most to gain from an audit. With limited budgets, every dollar spent must be justified. An audit does just that—helping make each marketing dollar spent a savvy one.

How to Know if You Need a Digital Marketing Audit

Small and medium-sized businesses, unfortunately, have a David vs. Goliath situation in the digital arena. 

A 2019 survey showed that the average small business spent just over $30,000 a year on marketing costs. Ensuring this money is well-spent does a lot in helping bring this giant down to size.

A huge part of that is identifying digital problems, simplifying them, and feeling confident in your strategy.

Does Your Website Engage Your Market?

28% of all business activity is now online, and even if you’re not selling online, 71% of businesses have a website. 

Your website is often the first glimpse potential customers have of your business, and that first impression is vital! Half of users form their opinion of your business based on its website design and 57% won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website.

Slow loading times, outdated design, or hard-to-find contact info can turn those potential customers on their heels.

Is Social Media Your Friend?

Each social media platform is its own digital country, with its own customs, languages, and etiquette.

A scattergun approach of posting the same content across all platforms might save time, but it won't do your engagement rates or follower growth any favours.

With up to 82% of Canadians connecting through social media, knowing where (and how) to target consumers is key to growth.

Does Your Email Marketing Engage Interaction?

Remember all those annoying emails you've unsubscribed from? You don't want your brand to be that nagging mosquito in your customers' inboxes.

When done right, it can be a mighty tool for your brand communication. 81% of Canadians are comfortable receiving communications through email.

However, poor segmentation, irrelevant content, or overwhelming frequency can have your audience hitting unsubscribe.

Is Your Digital Advertising Campaign Delivering Results?

If you're paying for exposure, you want the most bang for your buck. Otherwise, you might as well toss your dollars into the digital void. 

A digital audit scrutinizes your advertising channels to ensure they're not just driving traffic to your site — but the right kind of traffic.

4 Things a Digital Marketing Audit Covers

A digital marketing audit covers various components, but the core areas will always be:


Your website is the digital salesperson you never have to pay overtime - a 24/7 pitch of your business. Among other factors, an audit inspects:

  • Website performance
  • Search engine visibility
  • User experience (UX)
  • Content quality
  • Online accessibility
  • Web security
  • Turning visitors into customers

Social Media

Do you have a social media strategy, or are you just scheduling posts whenever you remember?

Each platform has its strengths and weaknesses, but you don’t need to be an influencer to navigate the online scene. An audit can cover:

  • Profile optimization
  • Audience growth & engagement
  • Content analysis
  • Engagement & community management
  • Advertising & promotion optimization
  • The suitability of each platform based on your goals

Email Marketing

Spammy or irrelevant emails are the bane of every business and can affect your reputation. Your audit can analyze:

  • Email list quality
  • Campaign performance
  • Content relevance
  • Mobile Optimization
  • Email software & tools
  • Best practices & strategy alignment

Digital Advertising

Paid advertising is often the digital marketing flashpoint for small businesses. The audit focuses on:

  • Ad performance
  • Audience targeting
  • Budget optimization
  • Ad copy & creative review
  • Platform compliance

Start Growing Your Business Digitally Here!

The insights from a digital marketing audit can not only save you time, energy, and potentially a fortune in wasted marketing efforts but they can also breathe new life into a stagnant strategy.

Remember, a marketing audit is not about pointing fingers or assigning blame. It's about growth—it's about being the business your customers can't bear to be without, online and off.

If you don’t know where to start, let It’s Digital get you on the path to growth. Contact us and get started with an assessment today!

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